‘Enchanted Villas and Gardens’ closes with a final concert in Florence’s Pratolino Medici Park on Sunday, August 6, repeating a performance by the Orchestra of Tuscany (ORT) also scheduled on August 4 and 5 in two other Tuscan towns.
The concert series will be conducted by Daniele Giorgi, a well-known and appreciated maestro who has always dedicated himself to music from multiple perspectives, alternating between the principal violin of the ORT, and the podium.
For the closing performance, compositions by Brahms and Mendelssohn, will be interpreted for three consecutive nights respectively in the Auditorium della Peschiera of Santa Fiora, the Abbey of St. Michael the Archangel (San Michele Arcangelo) in Badia a Passignano, and Pratolino. The Orchestra of Tuscany will perform two pieces by these renowned German composers of the mid-Romantic period: Brahms’ Serenade no.2 op.16 and Mendelssohn’s Symphony no.4 Italian op.90.
Brahms always had a particular fondness for his “Serenade in A major” which he himself defined as “a delightful piece.” For the listener, the serenade is filled with reflective and tenderly nostalgic romanticism. Another composition on the program will be Symphony No. 4, commonly known as ‘the Italian,’ by Mendelssohn. He sketched the work during his stay in Italy from 1829 to 1831 and described this work as “the most joyful piece I have ever created.”
A spectacular evening filled with romantic music awaits the audience in the three venues. Below is the schedule.
Thursday, August 4: Santa Fiora in Musica. Santa Fiora (GR), Auditorium della Peschiera at 9:15 pm.
Friday, August 5: The Badia Concerts. Tavarnelle in Val di Pesa (FI), Badia a Passignano at 9 pm.
Saturday, August 6: Enchanted Villas and Gardens. Vaglia (FI), Pratolino Medici Park at 6 pm. Accessible by bus 25 from via Arazzieri, the beginning of via 27 Aprile across from piazza San Marco to the end of the line.