According to HackerRank, Italian programmers are in the top ten in the world. It is not surprising, therefore that the renowned Internet Festival will be held in Pisa, from October 10 – 13. The events begin at 9 in the morning and goes throughout the day until around 8 in the evening. Following these there are several concerts that lasts all night; just as the internet does not sleep, neither does this festival.
The festival welcomes computer programmers to technology enthusiasts looking for workshops that are interactive and hands on! The Internet Festival values the freedom that the internet was born with and believes it should remain free. The program discusses digital participation and democracy and maintaining the “playfulness of the internet.”
All ages can find something from the varying workshops, seminars, meetings, debates, book and ebook presentations, permanent exhibitions, installations, shows and music. The festival venues are spread over 13 locations in Pisa, so it would be best to use the map provided in the program guide.
There will be several Tutorial Tours (T-Tours) including advocating for climate change reform, learning science and math from holograms, and explaining how blockchain works. Events will explore good digital practices both on social media and in regards to cyber security. Additionally there will be many events surrounding technological creativity such as a sound design laboratory using augmented space reality to create a sound narrative, a workshop for creating a game with a 3D printer and thermoforming machine, and a workshop where you can choose your new adventure using similar technology that was recently introduced by Netflix.
All T-Tours and events are free but must be registered in advance. You can book them online where you can also register for a ticket. For the full program, visit the website. (alison tearjen)