The new decree by the Italian government presented on November 24 will bring significant changes to the country’s anti-Covid regulations. The most notable one, the introduction of a ‘Super Green Pass’ from December 6, 2021 to January 15, 2022, will only be available to those who are vaccinated or individuals who have recovered within the last six months from Covid-19. The measure is aimed at ensuring that public spaces and work places will be safe. The ‘Super Green Pass’ and the normal Green Pass will now be valid for nine months instead of 12.
With the health situation getting worse rapidly in the face of the fourth wave of Covid-19, more restrictions are planned for those who are unvaccinated. As contagions rise, the ‘Super Green Pass’ is being extended to leisure activities, leading to the exclusion and restriction of unvaccinated individuals under a number of circumstances.
According to Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the new decree is being adopted to maintain “normalcy and to avoid risks, keeping in mind deaths, poverty, online learning and a downturn in the economy,” caused by the pandemic.
With the exception of health workers, police, the military, prison guards, school personnel and firefighters who must get a “Super Green Pass,” anti-vaxxers can continue to work outside the home with a normal, temporary Green Pass, issued with a negative Covid test result, but will be barred from dining indoors at restaurants and from setting foot in bars, cinemas, theaters, museums, sport events and stadiums. In “white zones,” a normal Green Pass will continue to allow accessibility to restaurant patio dining, gyms, swimming pools as well as playing fields in order to participate in sports. There will also be no reduction to the time validity of normal Green Pass and Covid tests, currently 72 hours for PCR results and 48 hours for rapid testing.
Either a ‘Super Green Pass’ or a normal Green Pass will be necessary in order to stay in a hotel or take public transport ranging from buses and trams to regional trains, and is already mandatory on interregional trains.
“Orange zone” restrictions will not apply to those who have a “Super Green Pass,” but to all others, while “red zone” limitations must be observed by everyone.
It was decided that the wearing of face masks will not be required in “white zones,” but instead in “yellow,” “orange” and “red” zones. Except for several areas in Alto Adige, all Italy is currently in the “white zone.” (rosanna cirigliano/additional reporting by nelson matos)