This week is a very important one here in Italy and people may be confused with what is possible to do and what is not. It is important to remember that this weekend the country is under red zone restrictions. Here is some information about what to do or not do during this year’s Easter holidays.
Churches will be open for masses, but capacity will be limited, and everyone need to follow all the protocols. It will not be possible to participate in the Way of the Cross (Via Crucis) on Good Friday, but which will celebrated virtually. Under red zones restrictions in Tuscany, shops are closed except essential ones like supermarkets and pharmacies. Schools, gyms, museums, hairdressers, and salons are also closed. Travel is not permitted with the exceptions for work reasons, health or necessity. There is also an exception that traveling to a second home is allowed if you can show you owned or rented the house before January 14, 2021 and no one outside of the household can stay in the house. A maximum of two adults plus children under the age of 14 that can travel together.
During Easter weekend, there are some exceptions to red zones restrictions. From Saturday April 3 to Monday April 5, visits to relatives and friends will be allowed within each region. It will be possible to move anywhere within the regional borders, only once a day within the hours of 5 am and 10 pm. It is still very important to keep following the CDC guidelines of keeping a distance and wearing a mask when seeing people outside of your household. Fortunately, unlike 2020 during the same period, this year the churches will be open and is recommended that people attend the services that is closest to their home. Times for worship will be different because of the curfew in force from 10 pm to 5 am. The vigil on Saturday will be at an earlier time while on Easter Day, there will be more masses will be scheduled to allow fewer people at a time to attend them. The masses celebrations will still be broadcast on TV and in streaming. One thing that will not be permitted is to exchange the sign of peace during the mass.
Those traveling abroad must have a negative Covid test before departure, with self-isolation for five days upon returning from E.U. and Schengen zone countries, 14 days from the rest of the world, and another Covid test after quarantine. (tatiana lopez)