In conjunction with the yearly Cortona on the Move Festival a unique photographic exhibition can be experienced now through October 3. This year’s theme, We Are Human, reflects on the global crisis and humankind’s common experience of restructuring and rethinking a social and economic system that leads us to compulsively want more and more.
Artistic director Arianna Rinaldo explains, “We are all protagonists of this edition, the human being returns to the center in his everyday life, with his relationships, affections and sharing of experiences, a tribute to the ordinary and extraordinary of our human condition.”
Cortona on the Move, traditionally characterized by contemporary photography with attention to the evolution of photography, will this year showcase works that inspire and cause people to reflect. Telling stories about the humanness of our being, stories that reconnect with each other and stories in which the human being serves as the protagonist in everyday life, the project confirms that we, however unique, are part of a great global network.
Visitors can view French photographer Tim Franco’s portraits of North Korean defectors, perceiving their escape following different paths and realizing their difficulty adapting to a new society. American Deanna Dikeman’s series about family, aging and saying goodbye reveals the common human condition of generations and change within families. For 27 years she took photos of saying goodbye to her parents in Sioux City, Iowa after her visits with them.
In a sobering display, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, Israeli photographer Jonathan Torgovnik traveled to Rwanda to photograph some of the families he’d met 12 years earlier while working on a project with women raped as an instrument of war. “Disclosure—Children Born of Rape” offers viewers a glimpse into the human faces of these mothers and their children.
In the eighth edition of Young Italian Photography, dedicated to the discovery and development of the best emerging talents of Italian contemporary photography, visitors can envision the future with a focus on photographers under the age of 35.
Another offering pertinent to the current situation, “How We Will Be—The Italy That Rebuilds,” offers a selection of photographs from the Intesa Sanpaolo Publifoto Archive presenting a tale of optimism for the future. This portrayal in images tells the story of Italy’s rebirth after World War II, suggesting a connection with the post-pandemic condition we live today.
The exhibits are in found the historic center of Cortona and the Fortress di Girifalco, just adjacent to the city. Hours are 10 am to 7 pm daily.
A valid Green Pass is required to access the exhibitions. For non-European Community residents, an equivalent certification is required, indicating one has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within the past nine months, has tested negative within the past 48 hours or has recovered from a previous infection of SARS-COV2 within the last six months. (rita kungel)
For further information and tickets, please visit the festival website: www.cortonaonthemove.com